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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How To Use Multiple Skype Accounts On One Computer?

multiple skype accounts

Dear eColumns,
I and my brother has two different skype ids. The problem is we need to open both of them together so that we can know who is online on each of our ids.
Thank you

Dear reader,
Running multiple skype accounts at the same time is pretty easy. You just have to install a software for it. So lets discuss how can we use two different skype accounts at the same time.

How To Run Multiple Skype Accounts?

This method we will discuss below is only applicable in windows. You will use multiple skype accounts with the help of a software called Multi Skype Launcher.

What is Multi Skype Launcher?

Multi skype launcher is a software which permits us to use multiple skype accounts at the same time. The best thing about this software is that it is free. Now you don't have to sign out from you account to access the other account. If you think that your passwords might leak when using this software, just don't worry the use of this software is secure and the software itself is trustworthy.

multiskype launcher

Get started with multi skype launcher

Step 1:
First of all download Multi skype launcher to your computer. Go ahead download it we are waiting right here for you.
Download: Multi Skype Launcher

Step 2:
Once you have downloaded and installed the software. Open it. You will see a screen where you can add multiple skype accounts. Just provide the account details there and add it.

multiskype launcher

After adding the accounts, you are almost done. Just click and highlight the account you want to open and click on Launch.
Its easy right?

Things To Remember

Skype launcher only works on Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7
It will only work if you are using skype version 4 or higher

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