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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Top 5 Google Plus Games You Must Play On It!

google plus games

Google+ is still in war with Facebook and trying to create place in the social media market. Google Plus as a challenger is using attacking strategies to grab every share of Facebook and Twitter. People are finding specific reasons of switching their account with thousand+ friends on it, therefore Google+ is trying to put their every effort in order to satisfy them with appropriate reasons. Also one of the most important reason of not leaving account on Facebook could be Top Games on it.  So, through this column I'm going to share two great news about Google Plus; Number one: By the date, millions of users have created account on Google+ and also have exported their contacts on it from other social media websites and the second one is that there are Top 5 Google Plus Games which you must play when you have no one to chat with or hangout there.

Google Plus Games

You could find games button on Google Plus at the left side bar located inside more. You can drag out this button onto the side bar as well. So, sign up with your Google+ account and rush into the world of Google Plus Games.
google plus games

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Angry Birds

Simply this name does not need any introduction, it is available every where almost now at every gadget, smart phones, android, apple, Google Chrome and now on Google+ as well. One extra benefit I found while playing on Google+ is that, it is relatively faster than available on other social media website.
The job is simple, Evil Pigs have stolen eggs of multi-colored birds that's why they are angry :) You have to shoot out these colored birds and destroy the structures pigs have built and recover eggs by killing them. Points are awarded on the basis of destruction you'll create and the number of birds you'll used.

angry birds

Zynga Poker

Zynga Poker is a great chance on Google Plus to play poker online with virtual cash. So, if you really love to play poker online so it might be the best solution to play it on Google+ with better features. This might help you making new buddies while playing the game. It gives you same taste as it has given you in Facebook, so if you're looking for top games on Google Plus, so Zynga Poker is one of them.

zynga poker

A Google A Day

A Google A Day is a great challenge for you to keep answering questions asked in the game. There are questions asked on several categories like history, arts and literature, sports, etc. every day. It enhance your skills, thoughts as well as knowledge. You may take the help from Google or other resources and give the right bright answer to unlock the next question. Also you have to come up with the right answer in a limited time given. Better points are given as early you come up with the right answer and this will help you in building your profile status and earning badges. In short, you have to search for the correct answer than challenge your buddies and friends there by sharing your score on Google+ and be a master on Google Plus :)

a google a day


Flood-It! Seems to be simple but very interesting game on Google Plus. The objective is the flood (fill up) the board with one solid color in 25 turns. You have limited numbers of turns, so start doing this with the top left corner of the board and choose from the six colors until you come up with the solved puzzle. When you play it for the first time, I am sure you're not going to get it because this game freaks mind and pushes you to play again and again till you achieve the solved one :)

flood it


I am really addicted to this game on Google+, yet it is the simple one but very enjoyable. The job is to Blast the wall and collapse out the colored blocks in limited space on board and time. It enhances your brain ability to blast out which color first plus it also increases your mouse clicking ability so come up with the maximum score on Collapse-Blast and challenge your friends on Google Plus :)

Collapse Blast

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