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Monday, July 23, 2012

Use Google Dictionary To Find The Meanings of The Words

Google Dictionary
How many times you have came across the word you don't know the meaning of? Use this Google Trick to search for any difficult word in the Google Dictionary. Many people out there don't search the meanings because they are too lazy, including me. No body wants to take out the dictionary and then search for the meanings. Even online dictionary websites are too slow no one likes waiting. The trick we will discuss today is really helpful it shows the meaning of our word right above the search results on Google, yes no need to click on any website and the meanings are from the trusted Google dictionary.

Tip: Google Search Tricks You Must Know

How To Use Google Dictionary?

Lets suppose we need to search the meaning of word "sword". Every one knows what is a sword just take it as an example. What I used to do before knowing this trick was, I would have searched for "sword dictionary" and all the results where from different online dictionaries

google dictionary search

BUT why not make life much easier and use Google Dictionary instead. There is a simple search syntax to find the words in Google's dictionary. Just Type: "define: your search term" in our case let me check what comes up if i write "define: sword"

google dictionary search

There you go, no need to click on any link. Definition right there above the search results. You can also download dictionary gadget for windows 7 from Best 5 desktop gadgets for windows 7

Tip: Google Trick to search anything on the internet

No Need To Worry About Spellings

Don't worry if you don't know the spelling of the word you want to search the meaning for. I am not good in spellings too ;) But Google is smart enough to check your spellings. It knows what you are searching for. Give your best shot, type the spelling as close as possible and Google will give you the right spelling below is the screen shot of an example

did you mean google

There you go did you mean comes with the correct spelling. Told you so :)

Check out: Google "I'm Feeling Lucky" Tricks

How Intelligent Google Is?

Google is really really intelligent when I was tweaking this new trick I came to know Google gives the same results for other search syntax too. Which proves Google understands what we are asking. Are you not getting me? Here you go examples will clear my point.

The following result came when I typed: "What is the definition of sword?"

google dictionary finding the meaning

The same result came when I typed "Definition of sword". These were just two syntax examples there might be many, If you know any feel free to share with us in the comments below. Hope you enjoyed this Google Trick astalavista.

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