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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Google Plus Invites You - Now Join It for Free!

google plus invites
June,28,2011. It was a great day, when Google Inc announced its another great service Google Plus (aka Google+). And this time the release was something different i.e "Social Media Stage" enabling people to connect with their loved ones. At that day the service was under testing phase so Google ask to 18+ people to join this service. But the decision was retaken due to insane number of demands by the people. On July,14,2011 Google declared that the number of its users have been reached to 10 million which was a big loss to Facebook and Twitter. Later on, after four weeks of operation in the field the number of users reached to 25 million. At that time existing users could only sent "Google Plus Invites" to his/her friend to join this newly born service and the maximum number of invitations he/she could sent was 150. Later on, in September,2011 Google was opened to everyone without any need of invitation. The restriction of age group imposed was redone and the new policy of 13+ was announced. 
At that time, it was said by The New York Times that it is the biggest time to take rival with popular social media network Facebook. Later on, many reviews were published by other authors and writers on this hot topic. 
Now Google+ has a total of 250+ million users which is still fewer than Facebook with above 800 millions active users. But, people are still finding ways to migrate their social account with their 1000+ contacts and data. For this Google has announced many other features in order to tackle this difficulty which is being faced by people. 
In case, you missed these columns:
How to Export Facebook Contacts into Google Plus?
How to Merge Two Google Plus Accounts?

Google Plus Invites You! Now Joint it for Free!

As I have mentioned that now, there is no need of request to join Google Plus. All you have to do to is to come up with your Gmail account and rush into the world of Google+. So in another words, Google Plus invites you to join :) Get ready to come at this great social media website to experience what's inside in this great social media network. Let me ask three questions from you :)
  1. Where do you search?
  2. Where do you watch videos and then share on your social media network?
  3. Do you use RSS? 
In fact, you're grabbed by Google services over web. According to real perception, Google doesn't need you while you need Google.  Here, I am not forcing you to leave other social media website but the point which I am trying to highlight is that there is much better fun, so let's taste this social media website as well which was launched to facilitate its valuable users.

What's Inside Google+ (Plus)? Why to Join it?

Still have the query and strong reasons to join Google+. Yes, obviously you must need strong reasons to switch over another social media network. So lets, talk about some real truth about other social media website.
  • Is every one your friend? Even you mom, your sister, your boss and your daughter even! This seems to be funny in real life. Because there are things and moments which you could not share with every one openly at social media network. So, there are circles in Google+ which help you out to tackle this problem, instead of putting privacy settings and removing tags from your photos. 
  • Let's talk about something new, which should be included in order to give taste of real life. May be Live Video Chat? Google Plus named it as Hangout. You could do video chat with your buddies and family right on the same platform, without logging into another service and software.
  • There are games, what's going hot in the world, opportunity to customize your Google Plus in your own way, cover photos, fan pages, shortcut keys and much more inside it. 
  • You could still connect with your old social media website through different chrome extensions. Lets say "Hi" to your old friends via this great service.

There is much more hidden inside Google Plus, which is impossible to cover in this column. I must say you should join yourself and send invites to your friends saying them a single line; 

"Lets Face Google+ (Plus) for better fun!"

How to Join Google+?

google plus invites
As I've said that you could join Google Plus and profile for free. I've also written a column on How to create Google Account with picture Tutorial? Actually Google Inc had put the soul of real life in this social media network therefore this will help you to come up with new profile on Google+ and make chill over there. You could also follow eColumns on Google+ to get latest update and news on Google Tips and Tricks

Again! I'm not saying to leave your old social media network. Its good but you should move to the better one to enjoy superior fun!! Cheers! 

eColumnson Google+
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Really really informative, thanks a lot

Thanks for the appreciation :)

Google Plus strategies to connect with prospects and influential members of the social media than that of Facebook. Read more at

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