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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Who Else Want Google Chrome adblock Extension?

The world of internet is increasing every second and Internet marketing itself is a vary vast area where people are earning thousands of dollars. How often you have visited a site which has no adds on it? Very rarely. Adds are every where on almost every blog and every website. Some times those adds are useful for us to find what we are looking for but most of the time we are hating those adds. Google chrome extensions has a solution for it.

What Is Google Chrome Adblock?

Adblock is the most popular chrome extension which has over 6 million users all over the world. What does Adblock do ? It blocks all the advertisement on the internet to make our internet experience better. and Don't worry it is not difficult to add it and activate it. Once it is installed, it works automatically. You just visit your favorite blog and experience an ad-free version of it.

How to get Chrome Adblock?

Its really easy. We will help you to get what you want. You just have to visit adblock on chrome web store and install it.

Visit Chrome Adblock On Web Store and click on "ADD TO CHROME".

You are done. Enjoy ad-free experience. If you are using Safari you don't need to worry get can have a safari version too.
Get: Adblock for Safari

I have personally used and tested it on different websites like Facebook and Youtube. It works great.

Other Recommendation

I personally like this extension but If you don't like this extension here is one more alternative to Adblock. It is called "AdThwart Legacy". It does the same you can kick ass all the ads you see on the internet. This particular extension increases the page load time and decreases the bandwidth usage which is good for some people.

Install: AdThwart Legacy

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