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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Cool Google Search Tricks You Must Know

Google the best browser helps millions of people to to get what they need around the globe each day. But there are some tricks which everyone should know to get the best out of Google. Is it necessary to know these tricks? No its not necessary but if you know it you can get what you need very easily. For example if you need an eBook related to some thing you will type certain query and the Google will return only the results for the eBook. Isn't it great? So lets discuss what are those tips and tricks which Google offers.

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Google Time Search

You can use Google to know what is the time of any  country in the world. It even tells the time of each and every city. It won't redirect you to another website you will see the time right on Google's Page. Just type "wha: time in place" Replace the place with your desired country or city.

You can also download the Clock widget for your desktop from Desktop gadgets for windows 7


Its fast and its accurate. Find any mathematical query using Google. Just type the equation in Google's search bar and it will give you the correct answer faster than any calculator.

Currency Converter

No need to go and search Forex sites Google is a blessing. The currency converter works just like the calculator. Just type the query in the search box and Google will return the values right at the top of the search results. For example: "100 dollars equals how many riyals"

Search By Image

Do you have an image and want to know where it is uploaded on the internet? You can search for images using images no matter what the reason is you will just have to click the camera on Google Image search and upload the pic there, You can also give the URL of the image if it is already uploaded some where.

Search a Site

Google also offers search a site. You can search any of the site using any of the keywords for example you want to search for Google Tricks on eColumns. Just type " google tricks" and Google will return the relevant results.

There is an easy way to search eColumns. Download our Toolbar and just type the keywords and Google will return the results.

Search For The File Type

If you are searching for only an eBook Google is there for you to give you the eBooks. For example you want eBook on hacking just go to Google and type "Hacking type:pdf"

This is just an example you can find any type of file just replace the pdf with your desired file type. 

You can check all of our entries under Google Tricks. Don't forget to subscribe if you want more of this cool stuff.

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 good information ....many thing we still don't know, but we use it in our daily life....Google is the massive search engine with huge information. there are many ways to search in google. thanks to share those tricks ..

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