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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Clean Laptop Screen

clean laptop
Clean laptop screen looks awesome and stunning to you yourself. This article will help you to know how to clean laptop screen.


01.  A piece of very soft cloth (e.g an old t-shirt), a fur-free microfiber cloth, a disposable cloth, etc. (larger piece is best since it reduces the chances of streaks of your fingers across the screen).

02.  Spray bottle (small bottle easy to carry and handle).

03.  White vinegar for making heavy cleaning solution to clean laptop screen.


01.  Create a gentle cleaning solution. The ideal solution is plain distilled water but if you need a heavy and hard cleaning solution then a mixture of 50:50 (white vinegar 50% : plain distilled water 50%) can also be effective.

02.  Put the prepared solution in the spray bottle so that you can get the fine mist (don’t apply mist directly on the screen itself, however

03.  Apply a minimal solution to the selected piece of VERY SOFT CLOTH (don’t make the cloth wet, only moist because a wet cloth can drip or run when clean laptop screen).

04.  Wipe the cloth against the screen in a circular or other steady motion. Rapid circular movements can eliminate and clear the streaks. (Apply a gentle and equal pressure on the cloth. Use only enough pressure to keep in contact with the screen.

05.  Enjoy your work with clean and neat screen.