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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Top Samsung Android Phones

Seems like very one is head over heels in love with this 7 letter word, A.N.D.R.O.I.D. Well, talking in general I will discuss the Samsung android phones, because Samsung makes budget phones, a treat for all. Some of the android phones manufactured by Samsung are listed down below.

Samsung Stratospher a Galaxy S phone

All in all it is a great phone, better display, better resolution, a good camera and it is extremely fast. The only problem is that this phone is quite like a business phone, it may be a bit heavy for your back pocket but for the price, it i , definitely a STEAL!.

Samsung Galaxy S III

How it feels like to have the world on your finger tips? Samsung galaxy s3 is all about! It is sleek, its stylish, and its all touch. It is a super easy, super fast and a super slim phone, definitely a grab for all those htc lovers who cant afford one. Well, they can have one like HTC !

Samsung Galaxy Note (Carbon Blue)

Phone ?, tablet ?, well actually , it is the best of both. Comes in the most electrifying carbon blue color with the a very sturdy s pen, that goes with the flow. you can scribble, doodle, sketch and scratch at the same time. So in a nutshell, It is a treat for all the creative heads out there.

Samsung I9100

4.3'' SUPER AMOLED Plus. From the yummiest yellows to the blackest black, your screen displays it all !. the brilliant color display all combined with the dual core application processor, 4.3'' SUPER AMOLED Plus is my current obsesssion. multi tasking, high performance gaming and extremely fast web browsing makes it so very special. the world is in your heels when you have a dual core processor, it triggers just everything, from the web browsing to the online streaming you can get it all in just phone.

The above descriptions are very brief just to give you the idea of those phones.

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Samsung has reportedly removed the unified search function from its
flagship Galaxy S III Android smartphone, possibly as a pre-emptive
measure again further lawsuits from Apple

This is what I think Apple could well start with these wonderful products on the market but it looks like he has never given a glimpse of the other companies that are at the same time in the field and producing really wonderful products aussi.C is for this reason that one of the company by the ambition to win more customers is required to copy a product already manufactured but, by adding only a little thing the other did unable to function in the product, if we take the example of Samsung products with those of apple, it is clear that Samsung only copies Apple's products, we can take the Samsung Galaxy adroid by a small compartaison, we do not see too much of anything.
So I think Apple products are products highly appreciated but, because of which Samsung is a company that develops intelligence with such speed on the market is therefore the coefficients of Aplle in trouble you can always stay in the same position and when in doubt choose a product from his company. Me I was on board for Apple's products but now I find myself in total disarray with the arrival of identical products from Samsung, I do not say that I will drop Apple's products but I am forced to stand in the middle, because the products are completely identical, saying earlier when I said that I would buy an iPhone, I would take the straight direction of a shop selling Apple undoubtedly and without no reflection, but with the arrival of identical products from Samsung I am obliged to have doubts, because Samsung simply corrects Apple's products, even the amplified and modified to attract customers.

So what I can say to encourage the company to Apple is that it must take good position to provide new products and more complex garatissants on the market, then politically it drot defend his position and those customers who are around the world.

exactly , samsung beam then we currently have nexus by samsung , am not standing in the middle , am in love with samsung phones. smsung s2 was a fail here in pakistan due to temperature issues but the upcomming phones being launched by samsung are durable ..
sorry for the late reply we appreciate your comment

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