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Monday, July 2, 2012

Cool Google Tricks To Search Anything On The Internet

Okay today I will share some Google tricks because most of us out there don't know how to use Google properly. Have you ever faced the problem of not finding the thing you are looking for on Google? If yes then no problem the things I will share will take you right where you want to go. All the tricks are already tested you can share your experience in the comment box below.

Read the complete list of: Best Google Tricks

You should also read: Find Free Serial Numbers Using Google

Search eBook On Google

This is the trick which is really useful for many of us out there. These days a lot of people are fond of reading eBook. Whether Its entertainment or some thing really informative most of the people out there recommend reading eBook. So if you are searching for an eBook type for example you want an eBook on hacking. Just type:

intitle:index.of? pdf hacking

Searching this will return the results having hacking and pdf in it. But what if the file is of some other type lets say its a zip file? then type a general search query. Following is the example of general search query.

intitle:index.of? (pdf|zip|rar|chm) hacking

What does this equation means? It means give me the result of the book about hacking with file extension .pdf or .zip or .rar or .chm. Isn't it great?

Search for Mp3s

Have you ever faced this problem? That you were looking for any Mp3 and even after hours of search you are unable to find it. I faced this problem last week. Well guess what I found a way of searching for Mp3s using our old friend Google. Go to and type the following in the search bar:

"parent directory " Singer name or the Album name -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums

You can change whats in Yellow as per your need. If you are unable to find even after this. Here is the more advance search query for you.

"Mp3 name" intitle:"index.of" "parent directory" "size" "last modified" "description" [snd] (mp4|mp3|avi|flac|aac|ape|ogg) -inurl:(jsp|php|html|aspx|htm|cf|shtml|lyrics-realm|mp3-collection) -site:websiteurl

You can always change the things written in yellow, if you don't know that much about your Mp3 just leave it as it is and hit search.

Search for Games

The query for finding a game is also very simple. Its almost like the ones mentioned above.
Just go to Google and type:

"parent directory " Game -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums

You can replace Game with the name of the game you want and Google will return you the results only with that name of game.

Search for Torrents

Okay this query which I am about to share is my favorite. It is the simplest of all and It gives the best result. You can find any thing with it. So here it is. Go to and type:

filename filetype:torrent

I said you can find anything with it. Yes that is right just replace the word torrent with any file type you want. It can be MP3, XVID, ISO any file type of your choice. Simplicity of this query is also a plus point. You can easily memorize it.

Exclude Terms in Search Results

If you are searching for something and most of the results you see on Google are giving the information about what you DON'T need then you can exclude those terms by using "-" operator. For example you are searching for Pakistan and don't want Wikipedia's page to come on screen. Type "Pakistan -wikipedia" and Wikipedia will not show up on the results.

Stay tuned more. Don't forget to like our fan page on facebook @eColumns and follow us on twitter @eColumns.


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