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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Complete List of Hot Google Plus Keyboard Shortcuts!

google plus keyboard shortcuts
Dear readers! Are you on Google Plus? Shake hand with eColumns on Google+ to get free & latest updates on Google Plus Tricks and Tips.

Google+ has achieved great success and has grabbed the social media market from all over the world. Still people are looking for Google Tricks and Tips so that they can make most of this great social media channel. Here, in this column I decided to reveal complete list of Google Plus Keyboard Shortcuts which enable you to come up with your task and action at Google+ in a cool way. Basically keyboard shortcuts are made just to bring speedy action for the end-users. Also, there are some other key benefits of knowing Google Plus keyboard shortcuts, like they save user's precious time, increases the worth of the service, etc.

Why Google Plus Keyboard Shortcuts are Important?

When you've lot of work to do and have no time to connect with your social account, so it's my personal opinion that you need to things to cope up this problem. The first one is "extensions for Google Plus" and the second one is "Google Plus Keyboard Shortcuts". When these two things combine, it take no time to keep you connected with your social account. And as you know, Google Plus is in war with other social media websites, like Facebook that is why it's trying to add such features in it which really help out users. And when I came to know about these shortcut keys, since then I am making most of them as they really help me over there.

Complete List of Google Plus Keyboard Shortcuts!

Below is the complete list of Google Plus Shortcut keys which really help you to make social media website more simpler and relatively faster than using conventional way.

Keyboard Shortcuts   Effects
/ (slash) It will take you to the search box immediately.
Letter “J” It will bring you to the next post/ scroll down/ slide down Google Plus page.
Letter “K” IIt will bring you back to the previous post/ scroll up/ move you to the erstwhile post.
Letter “Q” It will take you directly to your chat box/ chat with friends.
Enter It will bring you directly in the comment box to comment on any post or stream, you’ve selected.
Tab+Enter) Once you’re done with your comment in a post, hit this combination to post your comment easily.
Tab+Tab+Enter / Tab (x2)+Enter Sometime, you might be writing a comment on a post, but you decided to cancel this. Then don’t go for the cancelation via mouse, use this combination to cancel your comment.
Space Scroll down the stream by regular intervals.
Shift+Space Scroll up the stream by regular intervals.
@ Tag someone on Google Plus.
+ It also works as @ / making hot links to profile of people.
Tab To scroll through links and post on Google Plus, keep pressing Tab.

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