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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

15 Funny Things To Say On Facebook

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Facebook allows you to say "What is in your mind?". You can definitely share your thinking in form of different statuses with your Facebook friends, co-workers, relatives, or with a larger community. As there are other Facebook tricks, which help you to manage your Facebook account in better way, similarly there are Things to Say on Facebook, which help you to make your Facebook profile unique. Here, I am going to share a list of Funny Things to Say on Facebook.

Things to Say on Facebook to Get Lots Of Comments:

There are lot of statuses which you could find over internet through different websites. And sharing unique and funny status on your Facebook wall is one of the best way to get lots of comments on it. So, be more active, participative and updated on your Facebook profile/Fan Page. Here I want to add, I you want someone not to comment or look over your updates you can set privacy on him/her as well.

Related Columns on Facebook Tricks:
How to Set Facebook Privacy Settings?
How to Block Someone On Facebook Profile?

Things to Say on Facebook that People will Like

There is a slight difference between sharing such stuff on Facebook that people will like and to get more likes on your Facebook status. Sharing such stuff which is trendy, updated,  in or you can say it would be up to the minute; will be new and different to people and as you know that in today's world people always try to seek something different. So when you share such stuff which is innovative so people will like that stuff and you will get likes on your Facebook update automatically.

Related Column on Facebook Tricks:
How to Get more Facebook Likes for your Page?

Things to Say on Facebook to Make People Laugh

Comedians and humorists are usually more chosen over serious people. There is a deep reason behind it that is comedians use to say that "Enjoy every Moment of Your Life" and for that they use to do such funny acts that make people laugh. Here on Facebook, if you want to be more popular, try to share such statuses which are funny but decent and which spread laugh among people. For that I recommend you to search for decent funny statuses over web. Here in this column, I have compiled some best Funny Statuses which make you laugh even.

Funny Things to Say On Facebook

Here, I have compiled some extra funny things (statuses) to say on Facebook:

I hate when I'm eating cereal and the last few pieces are like "Catch me if you can!"
I always check the amount of pages in the chapter, then usually decide it's too much of a commitment to read.
Look to the left, now look to the right. I just virtually slapped you
X is proud of herself. She finished a jigsaw puzzle in 6 months and the box said 2-4 years.
I phoned my father to tell him I had stopped smoking… He called me a quitter.
I like to name my ipod ‘Titanic’ so when it says ‘Syncing Titanic’ I click cancel and it makes me feel like a hero.
Easily the best thing about Facebook: The ability to read other people’s fights.
If a single teacher can’t teach all the subjects then how could you expect a single student to learn all subjects.
Dear Google, Please stop behaving like a GIRL. Will u please allow me to complete the whole sentence before you start guessing & suggesting.
 Boys will be boys as long as there are no girls in the picture.
Dear MATH, stop asking to find your X, she’s not coming back.
The awkward moment when you know you shouldn`t laugh, but you do..
Definition of human being: a creature that cuts trees, makes paper & write “SAVE TREES” on the same paper.
Marriage is like going to a restaurant and order your choice from the menu, And then look at neighbouring table n wish you”d ordered that.
If couples who are in love are called LOVE BIRDS, then couples who always argue should be called ANGRY BIRDS

funny things to say on facebook

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