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Saturday, June 30, 2012

What Is Google Drive? Get Free Invites!

Google, the king of internet has a surprise for us. In fact a free gift named Google Drive. It a place for you to save your important files which you don't want to loose. Google Drive is a Google cloud service which me and you don't want to miss. What is a cloud service? Basically its an online storage place where we can make backup of our data. Google Offers 5GB of storage area for free. Isn't that great? You can save your documents, pictures, videos, music etc. The best thing about it is that it gets synchronize with your mobile devices and your computer which means if you do any changes with your cellphone that is you delete some files or you add some more it will automatically show up when you will access it from some where else.

Start Using Google Drive

Setting and using your drive is extremely easy. BUT you will need a Gmail account for it so if you don't have one go have one at Gmail. After creating an account on Gmail go to Google Drive. After couple of simple steps you will get your 5GB space completely free.

What is Best About It?

Easy Sharing

As already mentioned Google Drive give 5GB storage space for you to store different things. But to make it more useful the drive comes with extremely good sharing options. Like if you are having a meeting and if you share a document on your drive and share it the document will be synchronized with your clients too. So that they can see and work on those files too at the same time.

OCR Supported

I know this is a confusing term for most of us out there. Let me explain it. OCR means Optical Character Recognition, which means the Google drive can search for text in images to. If some one has scanned a document and you want to search for something in a document, Google drive will help you search it. Isn't that amazing?

Organizing Files

Google Drive offers tagging feature to help you organizing your documents and files. You can tag your files with relevant keywords at the time of storage and later you can search for them by typing those keywords. So don't worry if you have thousands of files you can easily search and use the only ones you need.

Need More Storage?

For me 5GB is more than enough to save my files. But this varies person to person. You might need more place. Google also gives more space but it is not free BUT its extremely cheap you can have

  • 25GB for $2.49 / Month
  • 100GB for $4.99 / month
  • 1TB for $24.99 / month
When you will buy these Google will increase your space AND it will also increase your inbox storage space on you Gmail account. SO you will have double the space you bought. Isn't Google generous? ;) 

Google is working with other parties to improve their product. In near future Google drive might also have video editing features sending fax and much more.

Try these Google Tricks:

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