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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Latest Windows 7 Shortcut Keys

Shortcut Keys are always appreciated when doing a work or task on computer. Microsoft enables users to use shortcut keys in Windows 7 like in Windows XP and Vista. These keys are actually associated or assigned duty by OS to perform task with quick and speedy dial. There are hundreds of benefits of using shortcut keys. Before we move towards the topic, lets have a quick look at the key benefits of shortcuts.

Benefits of-Windows 7 Shortcuts:

  • The most important and chief pros are:
  • They help users to save time, when they are with hectic work.
  • They enable people to launch and perform many actions without moving their hand on mouse.
  • They enable user to manage lock, shutdown, restart, hibernate, sleep, log off, etc their computer in much easy way.
  • With them user can save 20-30% time required to complete the task.
  • Users who are learnt shortcut keys by their heart and mind are considered professional and expert & are much appreciated among friends, family, coworkers, etc.

Why Shortcuts Keys are Important in Windows 7:

The importance of shortcut keys in Windows 7 can be evaluated and best defined by telling plenty of benefits plus as Windows 7 is an advanced product by Microsoft so in order to operate well, users must need to much about it. Therefore when you're go through them, you might know some hidden quick actions you can perform in blink of an eye. So the significant of shortcut keys come along with the nature of your work, if your work is too lengthy and frantic you must need such keys in order to get free early.

List of Shortcut Keys for Windows 7:

Ctrl+Shift+N to Create a New Folder:

Creating new folder in Windows 7 is not a typical task, you can create as many folders as you want with this great shortcut key. Simply hold the buttons Ctrl + Shift + N , New Folder will appear at current open window.

create a new folder with shortcut keys

Win+Right/Left/Up/Down to Move Active Window:

Now in Windows 7 you could easily move your active/current window to have space for other apps.
Hold Win+ Right/Left/Up/Down Arrow Keys on your keyboard to move active window.

move active windows with shortcut keys

Win+T to handle Taskbar Items:

Now in Windows 7, you could easily get taskbar items without moving your mouse. Press Win+ T and handle taskbar items.

handle taskbar items

Win+L to Quickly Lock Your Computer:

Locking computer system was not as easy before this shortcut key.

Ctrl+Shift+Click to access a program as an administrator:

If you really want to make changes in app or program installed on your computer system, now don't bother to use mouse and lengthy way. Press Ctrl+Shift+Click over the icon of program for which you want to make changes and have it.

run program as an administrator

Win+Space get a look at your Desktop Quickly:

You're working on your programs, etc & want to look at your desktop gadgets or background, press Win+Space, it will quickly minimize your work & active windows.

Win+B to Handle & Focus on System Tray:

Are you looking for the shortcut to handle computer system tray, here it is; now with Win+B you could easily manage your work with lesser efforts.

system tray icons

Win+P to Connect Laptop to Projector:

This shortcut key gives you the easiest way how to connect laptop to projector in most feasible style. Press Win+P and get your projector connected with your system.

connect laptop to projector

Win+Pause Enables you to Check System Properties:

Windows 7 allows you to check system properties without using mouse & using conventional style. Press Win+Pause key and simply get access there.

check system properties shortcut keys

Ctrl+Shift+Esc Opens Windows Task Manager:

Now in Windows 7, you could manage your Windows Task Manager by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc.

open windows task manager shortcut keys

Win+X to Open Windows Mobility Center:

In Windows 7, you could easily approach to Windows Mobility Center, where you can manage Brightness, Volume, Battery Timing, Network Connection, Synchronization, etc. Just Press Win+X & get access to Windows Mobility Center.

open windows mobility center shortcut keys

Win+R to open Run Windows:

This makes your task and search easy. Just Press Win+R and type or paste the URL.

open run windows shortcut keys

Win+U to open Ease of Access Center:

Windows 7 allows a special feature, from where you can customize your computer. Press Win+U and modify system to make it easier to be used.

open ease of access center shortcut keys

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