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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How to Take a Screenshot on a PC Perfectly?

how to take a screenshot on a pc
Are you looking the way how to take a screenshot on a pc while doing work? Do you want to capture the active window or looking for the solution to capture the entire screen? Keep reading this because in this article, I am going to share how to take a screenshot which could be applicable on Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Vista & Windows 7. Before I move to the core topic, I would like to share that you can take screenshot on iphone, android as well as on mac. You can definitely save screenshot as JPEG, PNG,GIF & BMP format for future use.

How to Take a Screenshot on Windows 7/XP/2000/2003/Vista:

Taking a screenshot is not a problematic matter, but many of us have a query that how to take a screenshot on pc? For this I am going to share steps, how to do this perfectly.

Move to area, window, web, etc. for which you want to take a screenshot on your pc.

You must have seen Printscreen button also known as prt sc/PrtScn or Prt/Scrn button. This key can be found at the top of keyboard near F keys.

how to take a screenshot on a pc

If you want to take the screenshot of entire screen, press prt sc/PrtScn or PrtScrn button once.

how to take a screenshot on a pc

If you want to capture a screenshot of active window only, so hold ALT button and then press prt sc/PrtScn or PrtScrn button.

how to take a screenshot on a pc

How to Save a Screenshot:

Now, the remaining work start i.e how to save a screenshot as JPEG, PNG, GIF or BMP. There are several ways to do that but I recommend the easiest and default program Paint. It is easier one to use, operate and make basic changes to your captured screenshot like, cropping, rotating, adding text, inverting colors, etc. Follow below steps to see how to save a screenshot via Paint.

Open Paint program on your system. Go to start menu → All programs → Accessories → Paint

how to save a screenshot

Now, you can directly paste the captured screenshot via CTRL+V
Click the paste button located in the edit menu (in Windows XP).
Since, I use Windows 7 so, here is how you paste it via using paste button in Windows 7.

how to save a screenshot

Now make the necessary editing if you want to do so, like cropping, adding text, etc.

how to save a screenshot

Now choose the location where you want to save it via using "File" button and click for "Save as" whether JPEG, PNG, GIF or BMP.

how to save a screenshot

Now you can use the screenshot multiple time and for multiple purpose. You can also send saved screenshots via email to another person or via Facebook message.

how to send a screenshot

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This teach or remind us how the PC works perfectly in its sreenshot. There is every step. This can help us. Sometime the keypad is different. The touching key will be in other side not illustrated by this article.

Very well said. I will make sure to put everything right next time. By the way thanks

I dont have a print screen button!!! i cant find out how to take a pic anywhere!

If you are using Windows xp try using on screen keyboard. and if you are using Google Chrome install the screen capture extension. you can find that here: Best Chrome Extensions  

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