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Thursday, June 21, 2012

How to Create Youtube Account in 6 Steps

Certainly, creating Youtube account is not a typical & difficult task. But the most important thing when doing so, is make such account following easy steps and which contain such details that represent your identity plus it greatly helps you to recover your account when it might be hacked by malicious hackers. In short, there is a proper method of doing so, which I am going to describe here. Before, this we should have an idea about Youtube & some real benefits of having account on Youtube.

About Youtube:

Youtube was built in 2005 and now being a very popular and one of the leading website among people offers individuals, societies, groups, corporates, businesses, & public to create, upload & share self-created videos and clips with communities. Now, on Youtube, you can watch videos on any topic and category you would like to search. Also, now Youtube offers Type, Click and Watch, suppose you want to watch video which helps you to enhance your communication skills so type the keyword in the search field and hit enter. After a couple of seconds, it allow you to select from number of videos listed there. You can also download Youtube videos on your computer.

Benefits Of-Creating Youtube Account:

This might be interesting to know that Youtube allows you to watch and enjoy restricted videos without signing your Youtube account. So, there are many benefits that can’t be neglected, some of them are:

  • Allows you to enjoy greater number of videos
  • Youtube allows you to upload videos which you want to share using Youtube account.
  • You can subscribe to many channels there as per you need and likeness.
  • Youtube recommend you such videos related to your previous search, which greatly help you in having better idea of that search.
  • You can create channel on Youtube which is the best thing to represent your identity web.

How to-Create Youtube account:

Follow below steps to create Youtube account.

Go to and click over “Create Account

create youtube account

Now, fill the forum to proceed further, here you have to fill you name, your age, country, phone number, email address, password you want to set, etc. Youtube automatically checks availability, if no then it suggests you related address that you can have. Or you can check availability of other addresses in the same way.

create youtube account

In the account opening forum you will find “Your current email address” it helps you greatly in recovering account when it might be hacked or your password might be leaked out. So, fill out all necessary information to create Youtube account.

create youtube account

Check the box of “I agree to the Google terms of Service and Privacy Policy” to proceed further.

create youtube account

You can add profile photo, which helps people to recognize you. You can skip this step and add, change or delete your profile photo later.
Click over “Next Step” to proceed further.

create youtube account

Click over “Back to Youtube” button & enjoy Youtube with newly created account.
You can add channels as per your wish and customize your Youtube account.

create youtube account

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