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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Apple - Ipad 3 The Jack Of All


Its sleek.. its smart … and its back with the bang.

From nearly a decade, Apple computers have brought the revolution all over the world..all of us are iphone phobiac. I pad is yet another innovation by Apple computers. It’s the best selling tablet ever.
Ipad3 is the newest and sleekest tablet with never ending features. Lets have a peer through Ipad3.

• What makes Ipad 3 different is its 10 hour bettery life.. not only that but it is expected to have a wireless charging and data transfer technology.

• Unlike Apple Ipad 2 which had 900MHz dual-core ARM Cortext-A9 processor, Apple Ipad 3 is more tougher and is expected to have A6 processor, which is way more better than the previous Ipad 2 processor.

• Ipad 3 will has a multi touch gesture technology all combined with iOS5.

• Ipad3 will be more user friendly all combined with multitasking ,task finishing, app-switching, location and background sound because Apple always care for its valuable customers.

• Ipad 3 will have cloud technology. Users can store photos, apps , calendars and access songs without having them stored in phone memory. 

• Ipad3 will have fingerprint improved technology . New Apple Ipad 3 touch screen will be coated with olephobic material that means no fingerprints on your screen.

Column by:
Mariyam Bukhari