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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

How to Improve Android Battery Backup

Improve Andrid battery backup
Yes, we don’t say that android phones faces this problem, and user of android phones have to charge their phones below their expected timing. However, it is accepted and searched that companies who use android deeply think for their valuable customers, because they try to give them their best output. Therefore, it is not the matter of company, it depends on usage too. Today this column will help you to increase and maximize the battery life of your phone.


01. Use and adjust Android’s Built-In battery usage option:

Heading into Settings à About Phone à Battery use to see what is actually eating and consuming battery of your android phone.

This will let you to know, actually which app is consuming your phone’s battery.

02. Adjust the Backlight to be less light and bright:

Backlight and brightness is the usually the biggest problem, when you feel that your phone’s battery all of sudden vanishes and your phone shows you thumb. This is not the fault of any technology and product, actually when you use your phone with more brightness so it is showing the display with maximized resolutions.

To adjust brightness settings go into the head of Settings à Display à Brightness, here you can adjust and decrease the brightness level / we recommend to choose automatically adjust which usually works fairly well.  

03. Disable wifi-when it is not in use:

When the wifi- is ON in your android phone, automatically search for signals, that consumes battery.

To disable wifi- when it is not in use:
Go into head of Settings à Wireless & Network àAirplane Mode

There’s a built-in widget in android phones, from where you can easily Turn ON and OFF wifi.

04. Disable Bluetooth- if not in use:

The fourth step is to switch Off Bluetooth of your android phone, when not in use.
This will also help your phone from external viruses.

Go to Settings à Wireless & Network à Bluetooth

05. Use the Power widget to easily toggle GPS, Bluetooth, Wireless and Screen Brightness:

Android phone provides power widgets through which you can easily go to GPS, Bluetooth, Wireless and Screen Brightness without consuming your too much time and too much battery,

06. Disable apps that Sync constantly:

The built-in e-mail application in android phone         (not the Gmail, which uses Push Technology) sucks battery of your phone battery because it Sync on too regular basis. You should set it to Manual sync, but if you want Sync it automatically, you should set it to Sync less frequently.

To set: open head of Email apps, now head to your account and choose Account settings  à email check from the menu. Now change it to something more an hour or never. You can always hit refresh manually when you want to read and check your mails.

07. Disable the GPS location Features:

Simply, disable GPS location Feature, because, it always tries to trace your location that is why need to search and consume battery again and again.

08. Use Task Manager to see and look what is happening on your phone:

This feature will allow you to look at your phone’s activity and apps that are currently running on.

09. Disable and remove apps that you don’t use:

Remove and disable those apps that are not in use by your use. This will safe your phone’s battery as well as it also saves your phone’s space.

10. Disable animated wallpapers:

We recommend you to disable animated wallpapers and backgrounds because they also consumes much battery and sometimes creates trouble when you have to make a very important call and you don’t have any source to recharge your phone’s battery.

11. Disable home screen widgets that you don’t use:

Heavy backgrounds and desktop consumes battery, that is why to get best performance and technology of your android phones you should clean those widgets that are not in your use.

12. Keep battery from getting too hot :

One of the quickest ways to kill a battery is to leave it out in the sun—try and keep your phone somewhere that isn’t too hot whenever possible. You’ll end up needing to replace the battery a lot quicker if you don’t.

Hope, this columns will help you to increase your android phone’s battery and let you to use it for much longer and better time.