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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Strong Password - Part 1

Create a Strong Password - Part 1
Passwords are the most important and keys to your account. Like you save and protect your home keys and try to save and hang them in a safe place, similarly you should worry and care about your Facebook, Twitter, Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, etc. passwords. Because your account carries your personal information, personal pictures, your personal videos, e-mails, your contacts, etc. So you should create such strong password which is impossible to guess and crack.


You should admit that there are certain words which are very common but still use as passwords because they are easy to recall and remember. But the negligence and selection your password may bring you in the state when you would be texting your every friend that “My Facebook Account Hacked. L L

So you should avoid such words which are very common and easy to guess by hackers because hackers also use such devices specifically for the purpose of figuring out people’s passwords. These devices will run a list of all possible letters and numbers combinations and then all hacker has to do is to try out each until he gets the right one, it exactly means that you need strong password.

Passwords that should be avoided and used are as follows:

-          *  Your user name and nick name
-          *  Your friends name, spouse name or the name of a person in your family.
-          *  Words found in the cracking dictionary.
  (This include abbreviations, cartoons, movies, asteroids, famous names, password (the word itself), female       names, male names, machine names, toy names, science name, songs, sports, sure names, etc.)
-          *  Any common word with a single character after or before it. (nework5, 4california)
-          *  Any common word capitalized. (Baseball)
-          *  Any sequential words or numbers. (qwerty, abcdefg, zyxvu, 123456, 9999)
-          *  Words in the dictionary, any technical word. (Creative, Secure)
-          *  Fruit or vegetable name. (Apple, Onion)
-          *  Famous company name, brand names. (Hewlett-Packard, Samsung)

However the above words look very easy to remember and easy to enter while typing your password in hurry but it can harm you and help anyone easily to steal your personal account.

To know some special tweaks to make strong password extra safe and extra protective and unhackable ( That is our term :) ) Read our column: Strong Password - Part 2