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Monday, July 2, 2012

How to Block Someone on Facebook Profile?

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It is accepted that Facebook has become the leading social media website through which people are connected at very large. But sometimes, you really don't want someone to stay more in your Facebook profile and hence decided to block them on Facebook. Now, the question arises how to do so? Here is the right way which allows you block someone on Facebook and your Facebook stuff could stay away from unwanted comments. Before blocking someone on Facebook, I prefer you to know what does blocking means in Facebook so that you could apply it in much better way.

What is Blocking? What Happens when Facebook block someone?

Blocking someone on Facebook enables you to get rid of unwanted interruption by them. Plus it makes your profile (timeline) invisible to them. They can't even find in you in their search or friends list. It is actually known as the best way to stop unsolicited disturbance. Make it sure that you won't be able to see that person either in your friends list nor in the search bar because blocking is a two way process. In short, blocking someone on Facebook is some what close to unfriend someone on Facebook because if you want that buddy to unblock at some other time, you have to send a new friend request to him/her for that purpose.
Tip: Remember this, that blocking someone on Facebook can't avoid all communication, such as interaction on third party page or group and it is only limited to

How to Block Someone on Facebook?

Here is how to block someone on Facebook with picture tutorial:

Log in to your Facebook Account and go to Privacy Settings by click a small down arrow shaped button located at top right on your Facebook page.

how to block someone on facebook

Soon, Privacy settings page appears. Here scroll down, at the bottom of the page you will find an option of "Block People and Apps", beside it, there will be a blue colored button "Manage Blocking". Click over it to proceed further.

how to block someone on facebook

Now you can type the name of person whom you want to block on Facebook. Also you can stop that person by entering his email i.d.

how to block someone on facebook

Here I am giving you an example of blocking someone if you know the name of the person, simply type the name and click over blue block button therewith.
Now Facebook gives you a list of people with similar name, now pick that person through his/her profile picture.

how to block someone on facebook

Tip: Here I suggest you that sometimes you get confused and can't recognize people by their profile picture, so you should use email id in order to block right people.

You're done! You have completely blocked unwanted person on your Facebook account.

how to block someone on facebook

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