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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Save Webpage As PDF For Reading Later

Yesterday I found an article on Ezine but had no time to read it. So I decided to save it so that I can read it later and don't have to revisit the site either. I found several ways of how to save webpage as PDF. In this column I'll be describing the steps to save a webpage as PDF for the two most common browsers which are Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

How To Save Webpage On Google Chrome

Guess what? Saving a webpage as PDF on Google chrome is extremely easy. You can save any webpage even with so many images in just couple of clicks using Google chrome.

Step 1:

Open the page you want to save.

Step 2:

Press "CTRL + P" which will open the print options for the page. and select "Save As PDF" from destination droop down menu.

Step 3:

Dialogue box will popup. Select the destination folder and hit save. You are done :)

How To Save Webpage On Mozilla Firefox

Saving webpage on Mozilla Firefox is also easy but it requires more steps to do it. Don't worry we will discuss it in details so that you can easily save web pages as PDF.

Step 1:

You will have to install "Save As PDF" a Firefox add-on to do it.
Download this add-on: Save As PDF

Click on download and you will be able to save any webpage.

Step 2:

Restart Firefox for the add-on to work. Click on the button shown in the screen shot to save the webpage.

Step 4:

A dialogue box will popup asking you to save the file to disk.

Click on Save File and OK to save the webpage as pdf on your computer so that you can use it later even if not connected to the internet.

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nice post.The same can be done on android too.

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