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Monday, June 18, 2012

How to Unfriend Someone on Facebook Without Knowing them!

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Facebook allows you to Unfriend Someone whom you don't want more to stay in your friends list. As you know that Facebook has announced timeline and it is some what typical and complicated to those who have not read about it. So, if you want some body to delete or unfriend on Facebook, there is a proper and correct way to do that.

Delete Friends on Facebook! But Why?? :

Are you worried about random friends, who are in your friends list on Facebook? And you feel in secure about your identity and matters, Yes!! you should be because there are lot of scams and attacks which are being done through social media websites, so it is highly recommended that share your data over there with a privacy settings. Facebook also allows you to save and share your memories with community or people to whom you're connected with. Other wise, some times it could be possible that some unauthorized person would steal your data. Therefore, to maximize the level of security Facebook offers users to set Facebook privacy settings, through which you can completely make your data secure and safe. And then no unassigned and unauthorized persons can see your data over there. This is the first reason when you want somebody not to remain in your profile and you have added them randomly.
The other reasons may be:
  • Any personal matter and issues.
  • You don't want any more your mother in law, boss, coworker to comment over your status and uploads.
  • You actually don't know him/her really but you did them add in your profile because Facebook suggested you to do so.

How to Unfriend on Facebook:

Here I am going to give you screen shots with them you will be able to unfriend someone on Facebook without knowing them. Below the steps are:

Go to your "Facebook profile" and select friend from friends list or you can type the name in the search bar at the top.

unfriend on facebook

Move cursor over the name of the friend you want to delete or unfriend. A new tab will appear, over here move cursor on "Friends" which allows remove friend from your list.

unfriend on facebook

You would be ask, are you sure you want to delete? Click over Remove from Friend to proceed further.

unfriend on facebook
Yes, you are done!! You have completely remove the person without knowing him/her.

unfriend on facebook

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