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Friday, June 29, 2012

How to Change Your Name on Facebook Profile?

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Recently, you got married and want to edit your name on Facebook profile? Or you've made some legal changes in your name and want to edit your display name on Facebook? Hence, whatever the reason may be! Here, in this column I'm going to show you "How to Change Your Name On Facebook?" with picture tutorial.

How Do I Change My Name on Facebook?

This seems to be a general question and confusion which is being asked by many of us. But there is no need to worry because Facebook allows you to change your display name with little alteration in Facebook Settings. Sometimes, people use to shy when they want to ask such general question. For them I want to say only a single word i.e Google. Basically, it is all about Facebook tricks. There are plenty of Facebook tricks and tips which help you to organize your Facebook account in style.

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How to Change Name on Facebook?

Get ready to come up with new name on Facebook! Follow, below steps and picture tutorial to learn how to change name on Facebook easily:

Log in to your Facebook account by typing user name and password.

how to change name on facebook

When you're done with the initial step, click over small down arrow shaped button located at top right of your browser page to show list of settings menu. Click over "Account Settings" to edit your Facebook name.

how to change name on facebook

Make it sure that you're under General Account Settings. Here you can edit your Facebook user name, Email, etc. Click over Edit button in front of "Name" option.

how to change name on facebook

At this step, you can edit your First, Middle and Last name which you want to to set and display on your Facebook profile. You can also add alternate name if you've and make it visible on your Facebook profile. After you've done alteration Facebook asks you to type your password. This is all because of safety and security. When you're completed with this procedure hit "Save Changes" button to apply changes.

how to change name on facebook

Tip: Remember this!! Facebook allows you to change your name 4 or less time. So make minimum changes regarding your identity so that people could connect with you in much better way.

Here is how you can change your name on Facebook profile successfully.

how to change name on facebook

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