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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How to Change Facebook Password Successfully?

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Many of us really don't know how to change password on Facebook after enough amendments released by Facebook. In this article, I am going to share the correct way how to change your Facebook password. Before this, I would like to share that password should be of such type which is impossible to guess and break. Because there are lot of hackers over internet who uses various ways to hack your Facebook password.

Recommended Article:
Strong Password - Part 1

Facebook Keeps Asking Me to Change My Password:

Sometimes Facebook asks you to change your password, because of security and safety issue.

Warning: You people might have heard about phishing. It is a common technique used by hackers to retrieve password and information. So when ever Facebook ask you to change your password, make it sure that your at ""

How to Change Password on Facebook:

Changing password on Facebook is not such a tough task, you must know exact and right way to do so, to remain your account away from being hacked. There are many ways to change Facebook password. Since, I recommend and use to change my Facebook password with the method I am going to show you below:

Log on to your Facebook account.

how to change facebook password

When you're signed in to your Facebook account, a down arrow shaped button can be seen at the top right on your PC screen → Click over to see drop down menu list → Now click over "Account Settings" from the list.

how to change facebook password
Make sure, you're at "General Account Settings" → Now here are the options how to change your Facebook name, Email, Password, etc. → Click over Password edit to change Facebook password.

how to change facebook password

Here, Facebook requires you to enter your current as well as new password which you want to set. After you have typed in the new password, click for "Save Changes" to proceed further.

how to change facebook password

Tip: Facebook itself shows your password strength, always try to set strong passwords for your Facebook account.

To make sure, your Facebook account is secure, Facebook ask you to keep yourself logged from other phones and devices, or log you out to apply settings over there as well. I recommend to check at "log me out of other devices" to change Facebook password successfully.

how to change facebook password

Click over close button and enjoy Facebook account with new password.

how to change facebook password

Do show your appreciation by liking our fan page on facebook @eColumns and following us on twitter @eColumns


of have face book account for our social media and sharing the idea
thought ,plan, sharing photo is most favorable by worldwide. So it is
playing key role for social and commercial field. So we have to maintain strong
password with unique format is very important for us. Also we can vary to our
password is safe for us.

Very well said, thanks for the comment :)

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